Useful Links
These links offer you more detailed information about risk management and safety of products and processes, including corresponding legislation and authorities.
1. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, CPSC
- Consumer product legislature, Safety warnings and recent recalls, 'CPSC's Most wanted list' etc: protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products under the agency's jurisdiction.
- CPSC videomaterial on YouTube:
2. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NHTSA
- Vehicle recalls, recalls listings. Defects investigations. Huyndai, Toyota recalls etc., advice to Toyota Customers
- In the US: File a safety complaint: defects in vehicles, child seats
- Car safety ratings:
- Motorcycle safety: Selecting the right motor cycle helmet, video: .
- Bicycle safety: Pedestrian safety, materials: Is your kid's walk to school safe? See:
- Drive Responsibly: Do not text while driving! Read more about a community project on Distracted Driving and make a personal pledge!
- Advice by a retired judge: detailed injury claims for pedestrians hit by cars:
3. U.S. Chemical Safety Board, CSB - Safety Messages
- Process industry safety videos on the Safetymessages channel.
- Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (Independent federal agency): Process industry safety management. Chemical Accidents, oil spills.
4. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA
- Medical device safety.
- Is your company listed? Read a list of medical device recalls. (continually updated, check the link). FDA posts consumer information about the most serious medical device recalls. These products are on the list because there is a reasonable chance that they could cause serious health problems or death.
----------------------------Please report outdated links. Thank you!
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